In a country founded on enslavement and genocide, Indigenous people should be acknowledged every day. I am proud to come from a long line of resiliency and even more blessed to be emersed in my Pueblo culture. In the past, indigenous people have survived many forms of genocide, such as boarding schools, land removal, and introduction of new diseases. Our land was stolen like our wxmen are today and our medicines are disturbed as pipelines and fracking are taking over our homelands without the consent of tribal governments. As an indigenous Womxn, I ask you to learn our history and protect all native people. President Trump’s relationship with indigenous people has been problematic. He fails to acknowledge the presence of indigenous people and fails to protect the land, which is essential to the everyday lifestyle for the aboriginal people. He also disrespects the tribal nations by violating treaties and using offensives slurs. With the upcoming election please, Vote. It is probably one of the most important elections of our time. The outcome of this election will literally affect thousands of people’s lives. I would like to thank Gen Z for Justice for allowing me to share my words.
Shyanne Eustace